Beste 300mA differentiële schakelaars

Beste 300mA differentiële schakelaars

We presenteren u het volledige assortiment 300ma-differentiaalschakelaars, we zullen een vergelijking maken van enkele van de beste merken 300ma-stroomonderbrekers voor een betere weging van de aankoop.

Alle categorieën van onze gespecialiseerde winkel tonen schakelaars die u in uw faciliteiten kunt gebruiken om uw apparatuur effectief en veilig te beschermen.


De beste differentieelschakelaar van 300 Ma


SIEMENS Ingenuity for life - Siemens 5sv - Interruptor diferencial 5sv clase-ac 4 polos 40a 300ma 70mm
  • Corriente diferencial de disparo : 300mA
  • Corriente / con AC / valor asignado 40A
  • Tipo de corriente de defecto AC
  • Frecuencia de empleo 50/60Hz
  • Grado de protección IP IP20, para montaje en distribuidor, con conductores conectados


Aantal polen 4
Differentiële schakelaar Geen vertraging
Uitschakelstroomverschil: 300 mA
Defect Stroomtype: AC-
stroom / bij AC: 40A
Directe contactbeveiliging tegen elektrische schokken: Bewijs van onvrijwillig contact met de vingers en de handrug
IP-beschermingsgraad IP20 , met aangesloten geleiders



RV31AC440300 – Differentiële schakelaar 4P 300mA 40A Differentiële schakelaar RV31 Klasse AC Schakelvermogen: 10kA Bedrijfsspanning: 240 / 415V AC Internationale norm IEC61008-1 Lokale foutsignalering Compatibel met RV30, RV30H en RV303H-serie Kabelaansluitingscapaciteit 25 mm² Maakt gebruik van pin-type mogelijk aansluitkammen Afmetingen: 1 module per pool (18 mm) Klassen en gebruik: AC = AC lekken. Residentieel, tertiair en industrieel

3. De elektrische


AC electromechanical differential circuit breakers to protect people from direct and indirect accidents, caused by contact with active parts of the installation (direct contact) or with elements subject to potential, for example, due to a shunt due to lack of insulation of active parts of the installation (indirect contact). They also protect against fires that could cause such diversions.


Schneider Electric - Acti9 - Iid 4P 40A 300mA B SI
  • Protección de personas contra descargas eléctricas por contacto directo ( 30mA)
  • Protección de personas contra descargas eléctricas por contacto indirecto (300mA)
  • Protección de instalaciones contra riesgo de incendios (300mA)
  • Es independiente de la tensión
  • Asegura una protección contra corrientes residuales incluso con 0V.

Product description

300 Ma B01N1PGO7Y

Schneider Electric A9R84240 Interruptor Diferencial iID, 2P, 40A, 300 mA, Clase AC


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Price of the differential switches 300 ma

Here you will find the best prices on the market since combined with quality you can acquire a totally professional durable product.

When looking for the type of switch appropriate to what you need you will notice that we have a full catalog of all the products you need.

Why do you need to install the 300 ma differential switches

The specific operation that these devices present are very useful. It is impossible to think of a home or company that does not have these devices installed, since they would always be at the expense of damage to electronic devices without proper protection.

Characteristic of the differential switches 300 ma

The 300 ma differential switch is a special electromechanical switch that, thanks to its internal devices, has the ability to detect the difference between the current absorbed by a consuming device and the return current. When this difference exceeds a value (30 mA), the device interrupts the circuit, cutting off the current supply to the entire installation.

The 300 ma differential switch is an electromechanical device, meaning that its operation involves both electrical and mechanical energy, which is used as an automatic protection system.

This is installed in any electrical installation that has contact with people and its purpose is to protect people from any electrocution they may suffer.

How a 300 ma Differential switch works

To understand how a 300 ma Differential switch works, you first have to know how an electrical circuit works. If we have a circuit where a current enters, it runs through different charges that can be the electrical elements of the home, the intensity of the electric current that leaves the circuit is the same as the one that entered.

Parts of a 300 ma Differential switch

The oroid parts: Central core of the phase, neutral and residual current coils.
Phase coil: It is the coil through which the incoming current passes to the home to generate the first magnetic field.
Neutral coil: It is where the outgoing current from the home circulates to generate the magnetic field that equates to that generated by the phase coil
Residual current coil: It is the coil that generates current in the event of a magnetic field. This residual current is the one that warns that there is a difference between the incoming current and the outgoing current.
Solenoid: Contains a coil through which the residual current passes. If this current exists, it means that the magnetic fields did not cancel each other, so the input current is different from the output current. This residual current generates a magnetic field that attracts the side of the solenoid, generating a movement that causes the circuit to open.

Other switches equal to the IDs that you can acquire in our store:

We present you the entire range of 300 ma Differential switches, you can search your Electric by category, characteristic, operation, amperage, type, price. All the categories in our specialized store show switches that you can use in your facilities to protect your equipment effectively and safely.

This is installed in any electrical installation that has contact with people and its purpose is to protect people from any electrocution they may suffer.

How a 300 ma Differential switch works

To understand how a 300 ma Differential switch works, you first have to know how an electrical circuit works. If we have a circuit where a current enters, it runs through different charges that can be the electrical elements of the home, the intensity of the electric current that leaves the circuit is the same as the one that entered.

Parts of a 300 ma Differential switch

The parts of a differential switch are as follows:

Toroid: Central core of the phase, neutral and residual current coils.
Phase coil: It is the coil through which the incoming current passes to the home to generate the first magnetic field.
Neutral coil: It is where the outgoing current from the home circulates to generate the magnetic field that equates to that generated by the phase coil
Residual current coil: It is the coil that generates current in the event of a magnetic field. This residual current is the one that warns that there is a difference between the incoming current and the outgoing current.
Solenoïde: bevat een spoel waardoor de reststroom loopt. Als deze stroom bestaat, betekent dit dat de magnetische velden elkaar niet opheffen, dus de ingangsstroom verschilt van de uitgangsstroom. Deze reststroom genereert een magnetisch veld dat de zijkant van de solenoïde aantrekt, waardoor een beweging wordt gegenereerd waardoor het circuit wordt geopend.

Última actualización el 2024-02-07 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados